we strive to exceed
our goal

Our dedicated team of professionals combines strategic thinking, cutting-edge technology, and creative solutions.

Mesh Values

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Conscious Connection

We listen with empathy in order to understand and enable the best opportunity to emerge and evolve.

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Acceptance. Meeting every human and every moment as it is with balance and poise. With the knowledge that it is perfectly imperfect as it is.

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Being in this current moment, with openness and receptive intelligence.

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Passionate Authenticity

Vibrantly showing up every day as your most genuine self. Willingly open to full self- expression and remaining true to yourself in work and life.

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Approaching this world and the humans in it with curiosity and openness to experiment, discover, and grow

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We encourage uniqueness, play, and innovation.

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We believe in people and that they are valuable just as they are.

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We recognize the interbeing of all things and wish to work for the betterment of the whole.

our team

Team Member

Dalton Scott

Founder & CEO
Team Member

Grace Fjellanger

Conscious Connector

The Mesh Vision


Mesh is a movement towards transforming the landscape of work into one where purpose, passion, and profession align. At the heart of Mesh lies a profound commitment to connecting talented individuals with organizations that strive for excellence and have a clear mission and core values that transcend mere profitability. Our extensive, diverse network and innovative approaches empower us to discover hidden gems in the job market, ensuring that every placement is a step towards creating workplaces brimming with fulfillment and meaning.

Mesh champions the belief that work should be a source of personal growth and joy, not just a means to an end. Through our recruiting services, we endeavor to make the journey of job seeking less about landing a job and more about finding one's true calling. We stand firmly on the pillars of authenticity, regeneration, and mutual flourishing – advocating for employer-employee relationships that nurture and respect the human spirit.

Mesh is not just in the business of recruiting; we are in the business of changing lives, one meaningful connection at a time. Join us as we weave a vibrant tapestry of purpose-driven professionals and visionary companies, all united in the pursuit of work that truly matters.

Career Compass

The Career Compass course, brought to you by Mesh, is an innovative journey designed to redefine the job search process. It's not about finding any job; it's about discovering work that resonates with your soul. Across five engaging modules,  the Career Compass guides you to:

  • Craft a personal narrative that shines
  • Align your career aspirations with your deepest values
  • Master the art of interviewing with authenticity
  • Maintain resilience and positivity
  • Future-proof your career in a rapidly evolving world

The Career Compass equips you with the tools, mindset, and strategies to navigate the job market confidently, ensuring you're not just seeking a role, but stepping towards a fulfilling career aligned with who you truly are. Embark on this transformative journey and align your professional path with your personal calling, with Mesh as your guide.

Mesh Ecosystem

1. Innovation Lab: At the forefront, Mesh's Innovation Lab embodies the heart of our ambition. Here, our network and in-house team collaborate to forge groundbreaking products and services. Driven by a commitment to accelerate the future, we aim to devise solutions that promise a vibrant, sustainable life for all. Our pursuit of novelty isn't just about staying ahead—it's about shaping a world where innovation nurtures society.

2. Consulting: Our consulting services are designed to address the globe's most pressing challenges through collective expertise. By assembling ad hoc groups of visionaries and specialists from our expansive network, we tackle complex issues with strategic insights and innovative thinking. This segment underscores our commitment to meaningful change, leveraging our collective intelligence for a transformative impact.

3. Career Compass: As a cornerstone of our mission to align work with personal calling, the Career Compass course offers a guided exploration into finding fulfilling and impactful careers. This initiative reflects our dedication to individual growth and professional alignment, empowering job seekers with the tools and mindset to navigate their paths with confidence and purpose.

4. Coaching: Personal development sits at the core of Mesh's values, with tailored coaching services for individuals poised for growth. Our one-on-one coaching matches people with the perfect mentor to elevate their potential, emphasizing personalized advancement and the realization of personal and professional aspirations.

5. Partnerships and Collaboration: Our ecosystem thrives on strategic partnerships and collaborations, fostering relationships that extend our reach and amplify our impact. By uniting with like-minded organizations and communities, we create synergies that propel our shared vision for a better world, making this an integral part of our ecosystem.

6. Community and Network: The foundation of Mesh is its vibrant community and extensive network, which fuels all other aspects of the ecosystem. This network not only supports our innovation lab and consulting efforts but also enriches our coaching programs and the Career Compass course, making it a critical backbone of our operations.

Let’s MESH!

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